Cradle the Earth Series
My Cradle the Earth series is a reflection of my deep concern for our current climate crisis. The focal point of each piece incorporates natural, found, and/or recycled objects, while the layers of collage represent our interconnectedness to creation. To learn more about my motivations for this series I invite you to visit my blog.
Cradle the Earth No. 2$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 3$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 4$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 5$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 6$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 8$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 9$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 10$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 11$100.00
Cradle the Earth No. 12$100.00