Closeup image of mixed media painting Shalom Number 7 by artist Heather Elliott

Shalom Series

This fall our church is going through an experience together called Rooted. Rooted was designed for small groups by Mariners Church in California to provide an opportunity for people to connect with God, the church, and their purpose. Our small group discussions this fall have opened up a wonderful way for us to strengthen our relationships and build one another up. We’ve all been so isolated during this time that regular connection with good friends is that much more important, even when we’re only able to meet via Zoom. I created these paintings long before we began Rooted. However, in our reading last week I found a quote that really resonated with my thoughts behind the creation of my Shalom series.

God’s plan was for humans to live in perfect harmony with Him, with each other, and with the Earth. He also originally designed people to have harmony within their souls: peace, joy, and purpose. The Hebrew word for this perfect state is shalom, meaning harmony, peace, and holistic well-being. This shalom was present and intended in all relationships: with God, with creation, and with each other.

Mariners Church. Rooted. Zondervan, 2011, p. 181.

During these very challenging times my prayer is that we can all work towards creating shalom in our relationships, country and world. I also pray that I am able to hold God’s peace within myself, and live out my faith by spreading God’s love and shalom to others. I’m absolutely still a work in progress! Blessed are the peacemakers.

  • Shalom No. 1 Mixed Media Painting by artist Heather Elliott
    Shalom No. 1

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